The Great Indoors

Ok, I admit it… being indoors is not my favorite place… however, sometimes it is my favorite place. For many reasons…

It keeps me out of the cold…

It keeps me dry…

I like to eat. It’s the main place I do my cooking…

It’s more comfortable to sleep in my bed…

I could go on and on šŸ™‚

So, there are some things that’s part of my “great indoors” life I will be sharing with you from time to time… namely…

My love of cooking…

I have so many recipe books. It’s been said (by me) that I am a great collector of… cookbooks.

Happily, the internet has somewhat simplified my love for new recipes… very rarely do I spend money on a cookbook. There’s just too many recipe websites to find exactly what you’re looking for!

However, I do have some favorite family recipes that I know you’ll love… my Mom was a great cook!

And I have some favorite recipes to share from my way of eating… grain and sugar free. I had to turn my like over to eating more healthy, especially after my heart attack in 2015. I told the doctor it was a very minor heart attack… he came back to me (almost shouting), “It was a heart attack!!!!”

Anyway, my research led me to Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist and author of the Wheat Belly books. He convinced me enough to change my diet drastically… well, it’s not that drastic IMHO. However, it certainly is a distance from the Standard American Diet. Sadly, there are few doctors who are aware you can reverse many of our ailments – without drugs – just by tweaking the way we eat. I encourage you to check out his books and his WheatBellyBlog or his YouTube channel.

I’m not sure if this qualifies as “indoor activity”… but I have been in the process of…

Simplifying my life…

Believe me, simplifying your life can be really more complicated than simple. But it’s something I try to “peck at” each day. And most of my simplifying must be done in the “great indoors”.

I’ve lived in my house for more than 40 years. Although I wouldn’t describe myself as a hoarder or pack rat, a person can accumulate a lot of stuff… especially if you hold a full time job.

So, I did retire from my full time job in September 2013. But here it is, 2020. I am still in the business of school bus transportation… even if it is maybe 10 hours a week.

The stuff that had somehow found it’s way in my house (and didn’t leave) was pretty short (an understatement) of overwhelming.

My Mom had died in 2003… I still had stuff that was hers. I just never had the time (or emotions) to deal with her things. Then my son and his family moved to another state (800 miles away) in 2006. He took most of his things, but (of course) kids always leave some things behind.

All this time I was holding a full time job… and dealing with some serious family issues. (Don’t we all deal with some serious family issues?)

So, it’s my determination to dig myself out from all this mess.

Actually, it’s not that big a mess. But in my eyes…

It’s a journey…

Yes, so at times I will share my journey. Maybe I’ll find something useful for you to try… We’ll see šŸ™‚

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