Can You Learn How to Blog?

Can you learn how to blog?

Just the sound of the word “blog” is intriguing… and daunting…

Blog… sounds like frog… Just not a word I grew up using…

Can taking a selfie be easier than learning how to blog?
Can taking a selfie be easier than learning to blog?

I probably first heard the term at least 10 or more years ago… blog.

And of course, the words blogger, blogging, blogged… sounded very mysterious to me.

Somewhere along the line I got a hazy idea what blogging was and I became attracted to it… I wanted to start a blog, be a blogger, start blogging…

I tried blogging through Blogger (Google) then WordPress… (the free versions, of course…) but soon I learned that I needed to learn how to blog…

You know, anyone can be a blogger… so they say 😉

So the question is: Why does blogging seem so difficult? Why is it we sit down with our pen in hand… or our computer keyboard… or our tablets… and suddenly, we don’t know what to write… we don’t know what to say or how to say it…

I used to love to write. In fact, when I was a kid in school, we used to keep journals (we called them diaries way back then), we passed notes to each other (and got in trouble with the teachers for it). I used to write long, chatty letters to friends I had made in school; and when they moved on to college, my letters helped them to keep from getting too homesick.

Blog… writing… personal journaling… perhaps even with making a little money on the side…

Have we really lost the “art” of writing down our thoughts or opinions? Has the age we live in just made us too busy to take the time to think??

So, once more… I have started a blog…… and I’m finally getting to learn the ins and outs of how to blog…


  • I have this burning desire to write.
  • I also have a burning desire to stop working a “j.o.b.” outside the home. (I’m retired now – I did my “time”… but even part time is still, well, a j.o.b.)
  • I also have a need to supplement my income…

Perhaps you too are retired but have a need to supplement your income.

Or perhaps you are a parent who needs income but has a burning desire to stay home and nurture your new baby…

Or perhaps you’re a dad who hates being apart from his family… yes, the kiddos don’t wait for you while they’re growing up. You’re the dad who doesn’t want to miss the milestones that are important… now…

Maybe you would like to start a blog?

There’s good reason that you can be successful as a blogger… a blogger who eventually can make enough income to support a family and support your dreams. There are successful bloggers who have blazed that trail…

Did you notice I said eventually?

No – you will not wake up tomorrow morning a successful blogger. Blogging is not some simplified, easy, “quit your job” tomorrow gig (although we may like it to be!). It’s something that we can learn.

Yes, it does take time and… work. (But if you like writing, it’s pleasant work…)

So, what are you waiting for? (What was I waiting for…?)

Why not begin and (at least) get it started now… then before you know it, the day will come when you can leave that 9 – 5 rut… Or work it to supplement an income…

Some bloggers have gone beyond what many can even imagine money-wise (and they even go so far as to post their blogging income online).

I’m not there… yet.

But I want to be there… and I’m willing to put myself out there.

Will you?

But where do you start?

Where did I start?

It was June 2019. I think I first saw a Facebook ad “5-Day Blogging Crash Course“. It was about how to “Start a Money-Making Blog”…

It certainly caught my attention. Blogging was something I tried (briefly) and didn’t stick with it.

But I was still interested in becoming a blogger… a successful blogger. I just didn’t know how. And failure can be a fearful thing…

So, (you know this already…) I thought, “Why not?” and I clicked on the link – (Even though I suspected it would lead to something I would eventually have to pay for.) I just might learn how to blog…

So I thought, “You have nothing to lose, Jo…maybe this time things will be different…”

So, I signed up.

And I do not regret it.

The 5-Day Blogging Crash Course

Firstly, it is free.

Secondly, now that I have been through it, it really gets you started on the right foot. A real eye-opener… It taught me things I hadn’t even considered before… like

  • Creating a logo
  • Deciding what you want to write about
  • Choosing your blog platform
  • Picking out a name for your blog
  • And so much more…

You also are invited to join their Facebook group where you receive all kinds of support from the Reese family, mentors and those who are also beginning to get their feet wet with blogging.

Just a side note, Pete and Heather Reese are “real” people. They are a very down-to-earth couple with three daughters. They have been blogging for about 10 years… I found them really knowledgeable about becoming successful bloggers… and they are so willing to share what worked for them… and what did not work. I feel they are our “shortcut” to blogging success.

I know I lost years – just pondering and trying to decide whether or not to begin a blog… and wondering… how?

If you’re like me, maybe now’s the time? 

Really, it’s free… what do you have to lose?

So, you have my story… and if you would like more information about the 5-Day Blogging Crash Course (again, it’s free), be sure to click the link that will lead you to a page that will get you signed up.

Hope to see you there!

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