The Great Outdoors

No, this isn’t about the movie (which, by the way, my daughter loves The Great Outdoors)…

Yes, this is about being outside – in the real “great outdoors”.

I used to think I didn’t like being outdoors… but I’ve really looked back on my life and have discovered… most of the things I enjoy are outdoor activities. Like…


I especially love taking photos of living things like birds, trees, flowers, vistas (which includes sunsets and sunrises). I often used my iPhone. But I also have become pretty adept at using my Sony a6000.


Lately I’ve given attention to discovering and learning about native plants. However, I just love tomatoes, too!

I plan to do some day trips as there are plenty of beautiful gardens to explore in Orange County and the surrounding area.

Walking / hiking…

This activity goes hand-in-hand with everything else I do. Now I walk or hike with camera in hand… and birding binoculars… life is good!

My walking goes beyond my neighborhood. It can take me on the Appalachian Trail, or on the many walking trails in my local area. There are also some wildlife refuges that are excellent for walking or hiking!

School bus driving…

Although I’m now retired, the great outdoors would not be complete without mentioning my career as a school bus driver and professional. Yes, I love getting up early in the morning… in all sorts of weather… and enjoying (again) the beauty of the skies – clouds, sunrise, and more.

I won’t devote too much time to this topic here as I have a separate website on the subject of the school bus industry alone!

So, join me in my outdoor adventure… if you like photography, gardening, and hiking or walking.

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